A few years ago, we started an initiative called #ABigGiganticDifference, which is centered on the selfless actions of our amazing Lil G’s. It started as an idea that there are other people out there who, like us, wanted to DO SOMETHING to be a positive force in the world. Through the #ABigGiganticDifference initiative, we have collected thousands of pounds of food, logged countless volunteer hours at a variety of nonprofits, run dozens of volunteer events across the country. It's not just about the events, but also about going out of our way to treat others with love and consideration, taking the high road instead of the easy road, choosing our words and actions wisely and interacting with other people and this planet in a gentle and respectful way. We can all make #ABigGiganticDifference in the lives of those around us. Together.
​After years of hosting, coordinating, and participating in #ABigGiganticDifference events and initiatives, Dominic & Jeremy started A Big Gigantic Difference Foundation in 2016. That year, the band donated a dollar from every ticket sold in each market they played to a charity in that city.
While smaller donations are important, we have found that large donations are most valuable and make the greatest impact for a non-profit’s cause. For this reason, ABGDFoundation now partners with a new non-profit organization every year to be the recipient of the majority of the funds raised for a yearly impact project. Find out more about our yearly projects below!
The Foundation was formed in August 2016 and is an established 501c(3) nonprofit.
Donate directly to A Big Gigantic Difference Foundation HERE!
A Big Gigantic Difference Foundation 2019 Project!

Has the music and the community surrounding Big Gigantic had a direct effect on your life?
Do you often have an insatiable appetite to do more, do better and make the world a brighter place? Then we invite you to join #ABigGiganticDifference.
Through the power of collaboration, dedication, and education we can make a difference as A BIG GIGANTIC FAMILY.